Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

John Michael Innes

John Michael Innes

Professor Innes is a social psychologist whose current interests include the structure and measurement of political beliefs and attitudes, especially environmental and ecological beliefs, attitude change and persuasion, and contemporary studies of the means of creation of cognitive dissonance and its consequences and in the study of the correlates of creative thinking and its stimulation. He also has a strong interest in the intellectual and social determinants of the development of social psychology as an academic and applied discipline. He is a highly experienced manager of complex, large organizations and has been responsible for organizational analysis, strategic planning, change management and innovation. He has experience in accreditation and curriculum development, training professionals and examination of quality assurance of expert programs and the evaluation of multicultural groups.

Professor Innes served as inaugural Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Murdoch University International Study Center in the United Arab Emirates, establishing a multicultural higher education facility in Dubai. He is currently a Professor at the Australian College of Applied Psychology, Sydney and formerly Head of the School of Psychological Sciences where he was instrumental in establishing the accredited course of Bachelor of Psychological Science. He also holds an Adjunct Professor position in the Jean Monnet Hawke EU Centre of Excellence at the University of South Australia. His current research interests concern automation and the impact of the automation of professional positions on the discipline and practice of psychology and the employment of psychologists in the near future.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Attitudes and Beliefs
  • Group Processes
  • Intergroup Relations
  • Internet and Virtual Psychology
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Persuasion, Social Influence
  • Political Psychology
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Research Methods, Assessment

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Journal Articles:

  • Augoustinos, M., Ahrens, C., & Innes, J. M. (1994). Stereotypes and prejudice: The Australian experience. British journal of Social Psychology, 33, 125-141.
  • Augoustinos, M. & Innes, J.M. (1990). Towards an integration of social representations and social schema theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 213-231.
  • Hodgkinson, S. P., & Innes, J. M. (2000). The prediction of ecological and environmental belief systems: The differential contribution of social conservatism and beliefs about money. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20, 285-294.
  • Innes, J. M. (2006). Citation, impact factors and the Australian Journal of Psychology in the future. Australian Journal of Psychology, 57, 119-122.
  • Innes, J. M. (1977). Does the professional know what the client wants? Social Science and Medicine, 11, 635-638.
  • Innes, J.M. (1971). Freud's "Project for a scientific psychology": Possible implications for contemporary psychology. British journal of Medical Psychology, 44, 249-257.
  • Innes, J. M., & Aherns, C. (1990). Beliefs about the prevention of AIDS: Self-monitoring and identifiability in response to televised information. Basic and Applied social Psychology, 11, 165-177.
  • Innes, J.M., & Chambers, T.P. (2017). The evaluation of significant figures in the history of social psychology: A class exercise in the teaching of introductory social psychology. Psychology,Learning and Teaching, 16 (1), 105-114.
  • Innes, J. M., & Kitto, S. (1989). Neuroticism ,self-consciousness, coping strategies and occupational stress in high school teachers. Personality and Individual Differences, 10, 303-312.
  • Innes, J.M., & Morrison, B.W. (2017). Projecting the future impact of advanced technologies on the profession: Will a robot take my job? InPsych, Australian Psychological Society, 39(2) April, Pp 34-35.
  • Innes, J. M., & Zeitz, H. (1988). The public's view of the impact of the mass media: A test of the third person effect. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 457-463.
  • Kennedy, B., & Innes, J. M. (2005). The teaching of psychology in the contemporary university: Beyond the accreditation guidelines. Australian Psychologist, 40(3), 159-169.
  • Mann, L., Newton, J.M., & Innes, J.M. (1982). A test between deindividuation and emergent norm theories of crowd aggression. Journal of Personality and social Psychology, 42, 260-272.
  • Stevenson, S .F., Hall, G., & Innes, J. M. (2004). Rationalizing criminal behavior: The influence of criminal sentiments on sociomoral development in violent offenders and non-offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,48(2), 161-174.
  • Streuer-Tranberg, T., & Innes, J.M. (2017). Media influence on hist society responsibility in the integration of immigrants. Journal of Psychological Science, 3 (1), 50-68.

Other Publications:

  • Innes, J. M. (2000). Behaviour in groups. In N. Bond & K. McConkey (Eds.), Psychological science: An introduction (pp. 9.30-9.65). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
  • Innes, J.M. (1981).Social psychological approaches to the study of the induction and alleviation of stress: Influences upon health and illness. in G. M. Stephenson, J. H. Davis (Eds.), Progress in applied social psychology. Vol. 1, pp 155-190. London: Wiley.
  • Innes, J. M., & Siddle, D. (1998). Attitudes and values. In Challenges for the social sciences and Australia, Vol. 2 (pp. 143-176). Canberra, Australia: Australian Research Council.

John Michael Innes
Australian College of Applied Psychology
16 Coglin Street
Adelaide 5000

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